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Case studies

Showcasing real-life success stories from some of our clients

Case studies2024-04-10T13:43:22+00:00

Don’t take our word for it, see how we have transformed businesses through our tailored IT solutions

We understand the unique challenges faced by growing businesses and the critical role that reliable and efficient IT solutions play in their success.

These case studies show real-life success stories where we have partnered with SMEs from various industries, empowering them through the sometimes complicated digital landscape, maximising productivity and minimising downtime.

Find out more about how we would work with you: Working with ILUX, the first 90 days

Let’s talk

ILUX kickstarts 2024 with new jobs, new people and new clients

February 16, 2024|

ILUX, the IT support and consultancy business, has kickstarted the year with key promotions and new staff, and added three local household names to its client portfolio. The company began working with Premier Travel in January as a strategic IT consultant to the business. The travel agency, [Read more]

Anti-Virus is no longer enough

January 4, 2024|

Over the past 12 months, we have seen a significant increase in the number of cyber attacks on SMEs. Gone are the days when hackers only targeted large businesses. They are increasingly turning their attention to small and medium-sized organisations where there is likely to be less [Read more]

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