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Ransomware attacks are on the increase

Here’s how that affects your business

There’s been lots in the news recently about ransomware attacks. Business Leader published news this week that there has been a 42% global increase in cyber attacks, with ransomware being the number one threat. Groups are becoming more structured with their demands and beginning to operate like regular businesses.

Ransomware is a very difficult attack to deal with. The hackers gain access to your data and encrypt it, so you can’t access it at all. Then they demand a big ransom fee to unlock your data.

It’s easy to look at this and think “hey, we’re OK, they only seem to target big businesses”. But that’s not the case at all. The reality is:

Hackers are targeting all businesses, all the time, using clever automated tools to find and exploit vulnerabilities

When small businesses are attacked by ransomware, it tends not to be reported in the news. But it definitely happens. Every. Single. Day.

We see attempted ransomware attacks all the time and they are terrifying. Many hackers now gain access to IT systems weeks, or even months, before they launch their attacks. They use this time to quietly prepare, and slowly change settings to make it dramatically harder for us to a) detect them, and b) fix the damage they create when they launch their attack.

ILUX has a sophisticated blend of products that give you peace of mind:

  • Anti-virus to prevent malware and ransomware off your services
  • Web filtering to protect your staff from clicking on unsafe sties
  • Anti-spam to keep your email spam-free
  • Firewalls to give you enhanced protection

We are also authorised to perform a Cyber Essentials audit on your behalf, when applying for certification.

Ali Gamble
Marketing Manager
Tel: 01480 501500
Mobile: 07872 565882

For Alison’s other articles, blogs and insights, click here.

Cyber extortion – what does it mean for your business?

August 9, 2024|

Cyber extortion – what does it mean for your business? Cyber extortion is growing at an alarming rate and is a significant threat to your business, no matter its size. ALL organisations need to be aware of the risks and how to mitigate them. James Tilbury, CEO [Read more]

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